Wednesday, February 7, 2007


Now listen, because I'm only going to say this once.
You have to pay attention.
It's important to understand.
Are you ready?


Freeze the glass for at least an hour
Swirl the vermouth around, just a drop.
If it doesn't stick to the sides, there's too much
You can get rid of it down the sink.
Pour the chilled gin
Over unblemished uniform ice cubes
And stir gently with a clean metal chopstick
Once, twice...
Maybe three times if you're feeling adventurous
Or it's a hot day.
Strain that into your frozen glass
Leave all the ice behind.
One olive or three
Never two, it's bad luck
On a pick resting gently.

Did you get that?

Now off to bed.
I'll be up to tuck you in.

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